1 |
NIT No.: EE/DP&E/T-07 of 2024-2025 (3rd Call) |
12-02-2025 |
25-02-2025 |
Surging and development of the 300mm X 200mm dia. Deep Tube Well at Bapuji Colony, Ichaplur, Ward No.-03 within North Barrackpore Municipality
2 |
NIT: 08/EE/EMD/W&S/KMDA OF 2024-2025 |
12-02-2025 |
24-02-2025 |
''Emergency Leak repairing works to 600 mm dia main pipeline coming from Panihara water treatment plant to New Barrackpore Municipal area infront of Mondal Enterprise atWard No. 17 under Madhyamgram Municipality.”
3 |
NIT: 09/EE/EMD/W&S/KMDA OF 2024-2025 |
12-02-2025 |
24-02-2025 |
''Emergency Leak repairing works to 600 mm dia main pipeline coming from Panihara water treatment plant to New Barrackpore Municipal area infront of Abdul MalekSahaji house at Ward No. 17 under Madhyamgram Municipality.”
4 |
1st Addendum of e-NIT No: 06/KMDA/W&S/SE(PROG) of 2024-25 |
11-02-2025 |
07-03-2025 |
Laying of clear water rising pipeline (DI-K9) 250mm dia. to 600mm dia from WTP to Proposed OHR ( Zone -7) including all other ancillary Works and temporary road restoration
5 |
3rd Corrigendum of e-RfP No.: 08/SE(NC)/SWM/KMDA OF 2024-2025 (Sl No: 01 to Sl No: 03) |
11-02-2025 |
22-02-2025 |
3rd Corrigendum of e-RfP No.: 08/SE(NC)/SWM/KMDA OF 2024-2025 (Sl No: 01 to Sl No: 03). (1172)
6 |
Notice Inviting Quotation No: 03/EE/BD/W&S/KMDA of 2024-25 |
11-02-2025 |
24-02-2025 |
Computer type, Xeroxing and Tender Documents & Project Report Binding under Baranagar Division.
7 |
Corrigendum of Tender No: EE(E/M)/FAWS-1/T-30 of 2024-25 |
10-02-2025 |
21-02-2025 |
Corrigendum of Tender No: EE(E/M)/FAWS-1/T-30 of 2024-25 (1157)
8 |
EE/Divn-IV /T-03/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
10-02-2025 |
21-02-2025 |
Cutting and cleaning of Jungles, Bushes, shrubs , within the premises of the UGR cum Booster pumping station at LATBAGAN under Barrack pore Municipal Area
9 |
NIT. No. 04/EE/ND/R&BIKMDA of 2024-25 |
10-02-2025 |
28-02-2025 |
Emergent repair of height barrier at Shyambazar end of Chitpur Bridge over railway yard.
10 |
NIT No. EE(O&M-IIB)/3T-01/2019/03 |
10-02-2025 |
24-02-2025 |
(1) Cleaning and washing of 100mm dia. DI pipelines from H/O PradipSarkar to H/O Tapan Bose of NannaMouza underJetia FAWS Scheme within Jetia Gram Panchayet. (2) Cleaning and washing of 100mm dia. D.I. pipelines from entire area of Indira Colony of Deulpara FAWS Scheme under Ward
No.-22 withinNaihati Municipal Area.
11 |
3rd Corrigendum of e-NIT No: 03/SE(Prog)/SD/KMDA OF 2024-2025 (SL NO -04) |
07-02-2025 |
18-02-2025 |
3rd Corrigendum of e-NIT No: 03/SE(Prog)/SD/KMDA OF 2024-2025 (SL NO -04). (1156)
12 |
Tender Notice No. EE(O&M-IIA)/T-15 of 24-25 |
07-02-2025 |
18-02-2025 |
Surging and Development of 300 mm X 200 mm dia Deep Tube Well at Uttar Badra Pump House at Ward No.-19 of Sultanpur Zone-II FAWS Scheme within North Dumdum Municipal area.
13 |
1st Addendum of e-NIT No: 05/KMDA/W&S/SE(Prog) of 2024-25 (2nd Call) |
07-02-2025 |
14-03-2025 |
Civil work including Survey, Investigation, Planning with detail design, drawing, construction, erection & commissioning of 84 MLD capacity Fixed type RC Raw water Intake Jetty with
Gangway, Jetty Mounted Pump house, Sub-Station Building, construction of Boundary wall
14 |
NIT No. KMDA/EM/EE/MD-III/NIT-20 of 2024-25 |
07-02-2025 |
03-03-2025 |
Replacement, overhauling & servicing of entire pipe line of vacuum pump including supply of necessary items at RWPS Ph-I (Old), Mallickbari under 30 MGD BKWTP.
15 |
Notice Inviting Tender No. 230/3T-01/IX/SWTP/2024-25 |
06-02-2025 |
24-02-2025 |
Supply, fitting- fixing of different spares (Make: Industrial Devices) for repairing of existing 1 no. 10kg/hr capacity pre Chlorinator alongwith necessary relevant works at 15 MGD Bansberia Water Treatment Plant.
16 |
Notice Inviting Tender No: KMDA/EM/EE/ED-II/NIT-70/2024-25 |
06-02-2025 |
24-02-2025 |
Numbering of Street Light Poles (Painting Block Letters and digits) on pole foundation on MAA Flyover.
17 |
Corrigendum Notice of e-NIQ No. 02/KMDA/EM/SE/MC-I/NIQ/2024-25 |
05-02-2025 |
17-02-2025 |
Corrigendum Notice of e-NIQ No. 02/KMDA/EM/SE/MC-I/NIQ/2024-25. (1145)
18 |
Corrigendum Notice of e-Tender No. SE(E/M)-II/T-07 of 2024-25 |
05-02-2025 |
22-02-2025 |
Corrigendum Notice of e-Tender No. SE(E/M)-II/T-07 of 2024-25. (1138)
19 |
Notice Inviting Tender No. EE/Divn-IV/T-02/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
05-02-2025 |
20-02-2025 |
Repairing of 1 No. 500 mm.dia D.I. rising main pipe lineleakage at B.T. Road, opposite Titagarh Municipality, Ch. - 21 KM., within Titagarh Municipal Area.
20 |
Notice Inviting Tender No. 21/EE/DIV-III/W&S/KMDA of 2024-25 |
05-02-2025 |
21-02-2025 |
Repairing of 600 mm dia D.I. Transmission main pipe line at BBT Road, opposite side of the Carmel School under Budge Budge Municipality.
21 |
Tender-Notice No. 31/EE/O&M-IB/W&S/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
05-02-2025 |
28-02-2025 |
(1) Repairing Leakages of rising main (D.I) near Bankara Mishra Para School within Bankra 3 no gram Panchayat , Howrah under FAWS scheme. (2) Cleaning compound premises of existing CWRCum Booster pumping station including some allied works at Garpa within ward no 46 of Howrah Municipal Corporation for 6(six ) months.
22 |
NIT No. EE/O&M-IIA/T-13 of 2024-25 |
05-02-2025 |
17-02-2025 |
Repair and maintenance of Grid distribution system of Dankuni (Part-A, Monoharpur & Mrigala G.P.) FAWS Scheme from 12.03.2025 to 31.12.2025. (1147)
23 |
NIT No. EE/O&M- IIA/T- 14 of 2024-25 |
05-02-2025 |
17-02-2025 |
Repair and maintenance of Grid distribution system of Dankuni (Part-B, Monber area) FAWS Scheme from 04.03.2025 to 31.12.2025. (1148)
24 |
e-Tender Notice No. KMDA/EM/SE/EC-I/NIT-15/2024-25 (2nd Call) |
05-02-2025 |
07-03-2025 |
Round the clock operation, cleaning including daily/periodic maintenance, attending, repairing etc. of different electro-mechanical equipment’s, pumps, Lifts (operation only), 11KV sub-station, Generators, stage lighting arrangement, sound system etc. at Unnayan Bhavan for a period of 14 (Fourteen) months. (1150)
25 |
e-NIT No: 08/SE(Prog)/SD/ KMDA OF 2024-2025 (2nd Call) |
05-02-2025 |
07-03-2025 |
(1) Construction of two nos. storm water surface drain with RCC cover slab, one from Bharati Sagha to existing high drain near Kora Primary School of length 893 m (approx) and other from Rail side drain to Kora drain via Ambedkar Mission Road of length 387m (approx) at ward no. 14, 15 under Madhyamgram Municipality. (2nd Call). And 02 nos. more.... (1146)
26 |
e-Tender Notice. No.15/EE/SCD-IV/R&B/KMDA of 2024-2025 (3rd. Call) |
05-02-2025 |
19-02-2025 |
Maintenance of height barrier and repairing of bituminous pavement of Chingrighata Flyover on E.M Bye pass for the period from January 2025 to December’2025. (1149)
27 |
e-Tender Notice No. 30/EE/O&M-IB/W&S/KMDA/2024-25 |
05-02-2025 |
25-02-2025 |
Supplying & laying of 160 mm diameter (OD)HDPE (Materials grade PE-100, PN-6 conforming to IS 4984-1995)pipes with ancillary works at Piyarabagan near Biradingi Khal within ward no 50 of HMC on emergent basis (from 216.00 chainage to 434.00 chainage). (1154)
28 |
Notice Inviting Tender No. 20/EE/DIV-III/W&S/KMDA of 2024-25 |
04-02-2025 |
21-02-2025 |
(1) Repairing of Leakages of 100 mm dia DI pipe line at Rabindra Nagar, Shitala Mandir under Ward No 10, Naiya Para under Ward No 16, Bhagaban Pur under Ward No 4, Abarton Club Ground, Madhab Pur under Ward No 9 and Roy Para under Ward No 9 within Diamond Harbour Municipal area. And 02 nos. more....
29 |
e-Tendering NIT No. 31/EE/D-III/W&S/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
04-02-2025 |
25-02-2025 |
(1) Repairing of leakage and replacing damaged portion of the pipe in dedicated 600 mm D.I. primary grid at STP Complex for Budge Budge Municipality. (2) Emergent replacement of multiple leakage on old rising main water supply line and ancillary works at Natun pole on NH 117 under Diamond Harbour Municipality. (1139)
30 |
e-Tender No.: EE-IX/T-13 of 2024-25 |
04-02-2025 |
18-02-2025 |
Installation of pressure gauge at 35 nos of location of Bansberia and Hooghly- Chinsurah Municipality. (1137)
31 |
1st Addendum e-NIT No.: 04/SE(EB)/W&S/KMDA (3RD call)of 2024-2025 |
04-02-2025 |
07-03-2025 |
Design, Drawing, Construction, & commissioning of Clear Water Reservoir of capacity 3425 Cum. (0.75 MG), including R.C.C interconnection channel with existing U.G.R
32 |
e-NIT No. 08/SE(P)/W&S/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
04-02-2025 |
07-03-2025 |
(1) Construction of storm water drain with cover slab at Srighar Bansidhar Road from Strand Road to Palta Canal via Ghosh Para Road and 19 no Railway Gate (approx length-2110m) at ward no. 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17 & 18, under North Barrackpore Municipality. (2) Construction of storm water drain with cover slab at Bidhanpally Started from H/O of Babu Dutta to near Palta Khal (approx length-230m) at ward no. 2 under North Barrackpore Municipality. (1140)
33 |
e-NIT No. 09/SE(P)/W&S/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
04-02-2025 |
28-02-2025 |
Construction of proposed brick surface drain with R.C.C. cover slab starting from Samir Ganguly House to existing manhole of Station Road near Krishachura Gachtala via Kalimar Doba to Baghajatin Sangha in ward no-18 under Bansberia Municipality. (1141)
34 |
e-NIT No. 10/SE(P)/W&S/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
04-02-2025 |
07-03-2025 |
Construction of covered surface drain under storm water drainage system at ward no- 17 under Baidyabati Municipality. (1142)
35 |
e-NIT No. 23/EE/BD/W&S/KMDA of 2024-25 |
04-02-2025 |
24-02-2025 |
Yearly jungle cutting and cleaning the compound premises of Mannapara UGR near Banga Laxmi Bazar within Baranagar Municipality. (1143)
36 |
e-NIT No. 06/KMDA/W&S/SE(PROG) of 2024-25 |
04-02-2025 |
07-03-2025 |
Laying of clear water rising pipeline (DI-K9) 250mm dia. to 600mm dia from WTP to Proposed OHR (Zone -7) including all other ancillary Works and temporary road restoration in connection to the project “Augmentation & strengthening of Urban Water Supply Scheme of Garulia Municipality under AMRUT 2.0 ". (1144)
37 |
e-Tender no: EE(E/M)/FAWS-I/T-32 of 2024-25 |
31-01-2025 |
20-02-2025 |
Supply and laying of 35 sq.mm 3.5 core Aluminum armored cable and other allied work at Bally Bank Pukur P/H under Bally FAWS-1 scheme. (1132)
38 |
e-Tender no: EE(E/M)/FAWS-I/T-33 of 2024-25 |
31-01-2025 |
20-02-2025 |
Renovation of Electrical Wiring & illumination system with fitting, fixing of energy saving LED lighting fixture, Fan& other allied works at office of The EE( Civil) West Bank Division, GAP W&S sector at Padmapukur WTP campus, Howrah. (1133)
39 |
e-Tender No: EE(E/M)/JNNURM-I/T-13/2024-25 |
31-01-2025 |
24-02-2025 |
Dismantling, lifting, repairing, installation and commissioning of 530 m3/hr capacity horizontal split case centrifugal pump no.3 (Titagarh side) under Titagarh Clear water pumping station at Bhagar, Near rail gate no.09, at Titagarh. (1135)
40 |
31-01-2025 |
28-02-2025 |
Dismantling work, Pile test of existing structure in connection with the work of ‘B+G+III storied Industrial building for Food Processing Hub of West Bengal, State Food Processing and Horticulture Development Corporation Limited at Bamanghata, south 24 Pgs. (1134)
41 |
e-NIT No: KMDA/CIVIL/E&AM/Planning Circle/SE/17 OF 2024-25 |
31-01-2025 |
28-02-2025 |
Upgradation and Modification of damaged Nemai Tirtha Ghat under Baidyabati Municipality, District :-Hooghly (2nd Call). (1131)
42 |
e-N.I.Q. No. 09/EE/ECPD-I/E&AM/KMDA OF 2024-25 |
30-01-2025 |
22-02-2025 |
FEE CAR PARKING in front of KMDA STP Office to Mioamore Office Gate. (1128)
43 |
e-Tender NIT No. 09/SE/C-V/R&B/KMDA/ T-1 of 2024-2025 |
30-01-2025 |
19-02-2025 |
Repairing of both end approach road, concrete pavement, footpath, m.s railing and raising of height barrier of Patipukur Underpass. (1126)
44 |
e-Tender Notice No. KMDA/HOUSING/EE/DIV-III/Circle I/NIT-57/2024-2025 |
30-01-2025 |
17-02-2025 |
(1) Repairing and strengthening of damaged ceiling, lintel, beam etc. of different flats by angle and brackets with other allied works in KIT Housing Scheme No. BRS-X under Housing Sector, KMDA. (2) Supply and delivery materials in connection with the daily conservancy work general requisition for the year 2025 for 2 nos. Scheme BRS-LXXXI & MMD under Housing Sector, KMDA. (1129)
45 |
e-NIT No.: 05/KMDA/W&S/SE(Prog) of 2024-25 (2nd Call) |
30-01-2025 |
14-03-2025 |
Civil work including Survey, Investigation, Planning with detail design, drawing, construction, erection & commissioning of 84 MLD capacity Fixed type RC Raw water Intake Jetty with Gangway, Jetty Mounted Pump house, Sub-Station Building, construction of Boundary wall for substation, Construction of Paver block approach road, river bank protection work etc. at Kedar Ghaton Hooghly (tidal) river at Ward No-05, for existing Water Treatment plant near by Belur Math of Bally Municipality on Turnkey basis under AMRUT 2.0. (1125)
46 |
e-Quotation Notice No. KMDA/GAP/SE (N)/NIT-03 (2nd Call)/24-25 |
30-01-2025 |
11-03-2025 |
Protection work of the embankment of 10 MLD WSP Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) located at Madrail under Bhatpara Municipal Area.(2nd Call). (1130)
47 |
1st Corrigendum Notice of Tender Notice No. KMDA/W&S/SE/MAT/01/2024-25 |
29-01-2025 |
28-02-2025 |
1st Corrigendum Notice of Tender Notice No. KMDA/W&S/SE/MAT/01/2024-25. (1114)
48 |
e-RfP No: 02/SE(Plg)/SWM/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
29-01-2025 |
02-03-2025 |
Selection of Concessionaire for establishment of permanent Fresh Municipal Solid Waste Processing Plant, along with its operation and complete maintenance for a period of 15 (fifteen) years from the Commercial Operation Date (COD), strictly complying the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, at Sarengabad dumpsite under Maheshtala Municipality in the state of West Bengal on Design, Build, Operate and Transfer (DBOT) basis. (1115)
49 |
e-RFP No: 01/SE(Prog)/SD/KMDA OF 2024-2025 |
29-01-2025 |
28-02-2025 |
(1) Preparation of GIS Based Comprehensive Drainage Master Plan including DPR for proper storm water Surface Runoff at Project Area from Bally Khal in south to DVC Canal in north & Ganga River in east to Delhi Road in west (Including Buffer Zone of 5Km) under KMA, West Bengal.(3rd call). (2) Preparation of GIS Based Comprehensive Drainage Master Plan including DPR for proper Surface Water Runoff at Project Area from DVC Canal in south to Bansberia Municipality at north & Ganga River in east to Delhi Road in west (Including Buffer Zone of 5Km) under KMA, West Bengal. (3rd call). (1122)
50 |
e-Tendering NIT No: 11/EE/HGD/W&S/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
29-01-2025 |
25-02-2025 |
Supply and dosing of high strength calcium hypochlorite granular chlorine through the mechanical stirring system for making solution of water and calcium based granules directly charged on line injection by mechanical regulated dossing pumps during supply hours of respective UGR to achieve the residual chlorine of 0.5to 0.6ppm for 0.5MG capacity Kora UGR, ward no-15 under Madhyamgram Municipality for a period of 1(one) year. (1123)
51 |
EE(E/M)/FAWS-II/T-17 of 2024-25 |
29-01-2025 |
18-02-2025 |
EE(E/M)/FAWS-II/T-17 of 2024-25
52 |
e-Quotation Notice No. KMDA/E-M/EE/MD-I/NIQ No.- 01 of 2024-25 (2nd Call) |
29-01-2025 |
18-02-2025 |
Repairing, Rewinding & reinstallation of 1 no. 55 KW Submersible motor, at Dum Dum Park Drainage Pumping Station under South Dum Dum Municipal Area. (1118)
53 |
e-Tender Notice No. 32/EE/ED-III/EM/KMDA of 2024-25 |
29-01-2025 |
17-02-2025 |
Day to day Operation and periodic maintenance of 7 Nos. Ground fountain (Padma pukur-3, Lily Pool-2, Near Gate No. 11-1, Lions Club Children Park-1) with in Rabindra Sarabar, Kolkata. (1124)
54 |
e-N.I.Q. No. 08/EE/ECPD-I/E&AM/KMDA OF 2024-25 |
28-01-2025 |
25-02-2025 |
(1) FEE CAR PARKING AT THE Khadim More to EE Canal land surrounding area of Fortis Hospital (For day & night car Parking). (2) FEE CAR PARKING AT DD canal to EE canal through service road (For day & night car Parking). (1111)
55 |
e-Tendering NIT No: SE(D&P)/3T-01/01/WS/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
28-01-2025 |
27-02-2025 |
Operation and Maintenance 10 MGD Surface water treatment plant (both for Civil and E&M component of works) including supply of coagulants (Alum & PAC), Liquid Chlorine, cleaning compound, Sludge disposal and supply of required laboratory reports etc. for10MGD WTP constructed under AMRUT scheme (Phase-I) within the premises of Padmapukur WTP, in District- Howrah, for a period of 33(Thirty three) months. (1112)
56 |
e-NIT No: 08/SE(Prog)/SD/KMDA OF 2024-2025 |
27-01-2025 |
27-02-2025 |
De-silting and cleaning of existing drain, Gullypits, Catchpits and Manholes at different places within the Rishra Municipality. (1103)
57 |
Notice Inviting e-Tender No: 15/SE(Cons.)/E&AM/KMDA of 2024-25 |
27-01-2025 |
25-02-2025 |
Bank Protection work by Eucalyptus Bullah at Rabindra Sarobar Lake. (1105)
58 |
NIT No.: EE (O&M-IIB)/3T-01/2019/02 |
27-01-2025 |
19-02-2025 |
Re-sinking of 300x200 mm dia DTW including supply of 300x200 mm dia PVC Pipes & fittings (Medium duty) and 200 mm dia Fibre Glass Strainer and all other allied works at Bijna Pump house, Ward No 79, P.H.No. 5, Bijna Mouza under Jetia FAWS within Jetia Gram Panchayet area. (1108)
59 |
e- NIT NO: 04/SE(EB)/W&S/KMDA of 2024-2025 (3rd call) |
27-01-2025 |
07-03-2025 |
Design, Drawing, Construction, & commissioning of Clear Water Reservoir of capacity 3425 Cu.m. (0.75 MG), including R.C.C interconnection channel with existing U.G.R, cable trenches, approach road, renovation work of pump house of existing CWR, land development and shifting of utilities within the premises of exiting 4.1 MGD Water Treatment Plant at Garulia in connection to the project “Augmentation & strengthening of Urban Water Supply Scheme of Garulia Municipality under AMRUT 2.0" on Turnkey basis. (1106)
60 |
e-RfP No. 11/SE(NC)/SWM/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
24-01-2025 |
25-02-2025 |
(1) Biomining of legacy waste and reclamation of land of dumpsite utilising scientific method located at Kalyani Municipality in Nadia district, West Bengal on turnkey basis. (2) Biomining of legacy waste and reclamation of land of dumpsite utilising scientific method located at Halisahar Municipality in North 24 Parganas district, West Bengal on turnkey basis. (1096)
61 |
Tender No.- SE(E/M)-I/T-02 of 2024-25 |
24-01-2025 |
25-02-2025 |
Rejuvenation & Stabilization with supply, delivery, installation, repairing, overhauling and renovation of the Electromechanical equipment of 30 MGD Water Treatment Plant (WTP) at Padmapukur under Howrah Municipal Corporation, Howrah by Replacement & Renovation of specified Electrical Mechanical Equipment with necessary Testing, Commissioning &Trial Run Operation. (1098)
62 |
e-Tender No: EE(E/M)/GAP-II/T-09 of 2024-25 |
24-01-2025 |
17-02-2025 |
Supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of pre-chlorination monoblock pump motor set with allied works at Padmapukur 10MGD WTP-I & WTP-II under HMC. (1097)
63 |
e-Quotation Notice No. KMDA/W&S/GAP/SE(GAP)/NIQ-01/24-25 |
22-01-2025 |
11-03-2025 |
(1) Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Pollution Abatement Sewerage Project Interception and Diversion with STP) at Kalna Municipal Town in West Bengal. (2) Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Pollution Abatement Sewerage Project Interception and Diversion with STP) at English Bazar Municipal Town in West Bengal. (1087)
64 |
e-Tender Notice No. KMDA/WS/GAP/SE(GAP)/NIT-03/24-25 |
22-01-2025 |
13-03-2025 |
Pollution Abatement works for River Ganga by Interception and Diversion of 06 nos. drain into the existing STP including 05 years of Operation & Maintenance at Gayeshpur Municipal Area. (1089)
65 |
e-Tender Notice No. 29/EE/O&M-IB/W&S/KMDA/2024-25 |
22-01-2025 |
28-02-2025 |
(1) Supply & dosing of Bleaching powder of BCPL / DCM make at 7 (seven) nos. D.T.W located at Salap-I, Salap-II, Danshi-I, Danshi-II within Salap GP-I, Kantalia, Jhautla under Makardah GP-I, Majher Battala within Salap-II GP under Bankra FAWS scheme for 365 days. And 03 nos. more.... (1094)
66 |
25/EE/DIV-IV/Housing (BSUP)/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
21-01-2025 |
17-02-2025 |
25/EE/DIV-IV/Housing (BSUP)/KMDA of 2024-2025
67 |
e-NIT No.: 10/SE(NC)/SWM/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
20-01-2025 |
21-02-2025 |
Construction of a four storied Ujukhana (toilet block) with elevator system, main entrance gate, renovation of existing pond, road etc., in connection with Furfura Mazar (Furfura Darbar Sharif), including construction of a single storied Choto Ujukhana, boundary wall, installation of paver blocks etc. and other allied works (all with architectural beauty), as per scope, at Furfura Gram Panchayat, under Furfura Sharif Development Authority (FSDA). (1078)
68 |
e-Tender Notice. No. 24/EE/DIV-IV/Housing (BSUP)/KMDA of 2024-2025 |
20-01-2025 |
17-02-2025 |
Restoration of road inside Keorapukur STP for smooth running of heavy vehicles for construction of 320 nos. Dwelling units for Tolly Nallah encroacher under Housing Sector, KMDA. (1081)
69 |
e-Tender No: EE(E/M)/JNNURM-I/T-12 of 2024-25 |
16-01-2025 |
17-02-2025 |
Operation & minor maintenance of Submersible Pump-Motor set with Allied Necessary works at KASHIPUR ESR & TORALPUR ESR under FURFURA SHARIF water supply scheme for 4 (Four) years. (1064)
70 |
Notice Inviting e-NIT No: KMDA/W&S/SE/MAT/ 01/2024-25 |
15-01-2025 |
25-02-2025 |
Supply & Delivery of different diameter Ductile iron pressure pipe for Water line with Socket & Spigot ends of K-7 & K-9 class of pipe, conforming to IS : 8329/2000 [latest revision & amendment if any] in standard length, suitable for push on joint, [rubber gasket jointing] for the work : “Augmentation and strengthening of water supply scheme of (i) New Barrackpore Municipality (Ph-I), (ii) South Dum Dum Municipality, (iii) Garulia Municipality & (iv) Kamarhati Municipality and (v) Kalyani Municipality, under district-Nadia, West Bengal including loading-unloading, stacking, transportation
71 |
Corrigendum-1 of NIT No. KMDA/WS/GAP/SE(GAP)/NIT-02/ 2024-25 |
07-01-2025 |
18-03-2025 |
Corrigendum-1 of NIT No. KMDA/WS/GAP/SE(GAP)/NIT-02/ 2024-25. (1007)
72 |
Corrigendum-1 of NIT No. KMDA/WS/GAP/SE(GAP)/NIT-02/2024-25 |
02-01-2025 |
18-03-2025 |
Corrigendum-1 of NIT No. KMDA/WS/GAP/SE(GAP)/NIT-02/2024-25 (985)
73 |
e-NIT No. KMDA/CIVIL/HOUSING/SE/C-IV/04 of 2024-25 |
30-12-2024 |
05-03-2025 |
Design, Drawing & Construction of "Common Facilities Centre (CFC) building with ancillary works on Turn Key Basis for Footwear Park at Calcutta Leather Complex (CLC), Bantala, 24 Parganas (South)" (980)
74 |
KMDA/GAP/SE(N)/NIQ-08 (2nd Call)/24-25 |
26-12-2024 |
22-02-2025 |
KMDA/GAP/SE(N)/NIQ-08 (2nd Call)/24-25
75 |
e-Tender Notice No. KMDA/WS/GAP/SE(S)/NIT-02/2024-25 |
24-12-2024 |
01-03-2025 |
Development of Interception and Diversion Network and STP with Wastewater Treatment Facility on a “Design-Build-Operation-Transfer” (DBOT) Model for Katwa Municipal Area in Purba Burdwan District, West Bengal with 15 (Fifteen) Years Operation & Maintenance Period under Namami Gange Programme. (959)
76 |
KMDA/WS/GAP/SE(GAP)/NIT-02/24-25 |
23-12-2024 |
19-02-2025 |
Pollution Abatement Sewerage Project (Interception and Diversion Network and STP with Wastewater Treatment Facility) on a “Design-Build-Operation- Transfer” (DBOT) Model for Murshidabad Municipal Area in Murshidabad District, West Bengal with 15 Years Operation & Maintenance Period under Namami Gange Programme-II. (944)