Electro-Mechanical Sector

Name and designation of the Head of sectors

(1) Sri Suman Saha- Chief Engineer,

(2) Sri Chandrachur Sarkar, Chief Engineer-in Charge

Brief Description and Function

E-M sector is one the very important sectors in KMDA both as a supporting sector and line functionary sector. Its involvement for electrical and mechanical related works in every sector starting from preparation of schemes of project , tendering process and execution of electro-mechanical portions of entire project works in close liaison with other sectors. Besides, this sectors is also involved in operation and maintenance of huge numbers of pumping stations of both clear water and sewage water in different municipalities and aslo maintenance of street lights on important roads like EM Byepass and Kona and serving a great role to common people. This sector is also playing a vital role for vetting of DPR/Estimates of electro-Mechanical works in Municipalities, Corporations, development authorities, Zila Parisads etc. EM Sector also to keep close contact with other various department namely Directorate of electricity, GOWB, department of Fire and Emergency service, GOWB, WBSEDCL, CESC etc. in connection with project.

Organizational structure in Hierarchy
  1. Nos of Sector-1 headed by C.E.s with their office set up with general wing headed by A.O. and accounts wing headed by 1 no. ACFA respectively.
  2. Additional C.E.(Elect)-1, Additional C.E. (Mech.)1
  3. No. of Circles headed by S.E. – 7
  4. Nos of Division headed by Executive- 22 Assistant Engineers and Junior engineers are posted in Divisions under Executive Engineers.

Each division has both accounts wing and general wing headed by Sr. assistant and Accountant respectively.